Let the romance journey begin…


I hope you enjoy this site as we navigate the world of romance together. My goal is to provide interesting tidbits about each book.

  • Inspiration of the characters
  • Funny stories that actually happened that ended up in a novel
  • Recipes
  • Motivation
  • Current projects

What My Readers Are Saying!

Kristin Lee masterfully captures your heart and piqued interest with her love story of Gracie and Brandon. Be prepared to lose yourself in their journey of love – I simply couldn’t stop reading! Anxiously anticipating this series and her next book Let Me Love You!! Enjoy – you absolutely WILL!! Cheers!!

If you love teen and new adult angsty love stories, this one is for you! It perfectly captures the high emotions of that stage of life and sucks you right into it. Plus, the horse racing setting is unique and unforgettable. Hang on for the bonkers twist and the swoony ending. A wild ride!